Wednesday, January 18, 2012

All Hail The Waffle Fries!!

So, waffle fries. A rather simple but wonderful food that is, undeniably, delicious!

However, one rather ridiculous guy at dinner tonight did not seem to understand this. Setting: They had waffle fries hidden at one of the stations tonight for dinner. After seeing them on a neighboring table, this girl looked at her boyfriend and, with appropriately wide eyes, went "WAFFLE FRIES!" He looked at her as if she had potentially lost her mind after trying to complete her calculus homework earlier that day since he clearly didn't understand the gravity of her statement.

My roommate and I do understand though! After we had the same experience moments before, she and I hopped down from our chairs and went and obtained the precious waffle fries. One of the other Kat's friends walked up later and also understood the waffle fry importance factor as he exclaimed, "Waffle fries!!" He is now one of my new favorite people, though he is not aware of that yet.

Oh and for your amusement, have a picture that I believe describes college perfectly:

Kat B.