Sunday, August 28, 2011

And to think I opened the door.

It seems that college students have plenty that they could regret: not studying for an exam (or not doing homework), having one drink too many (and funny thing is, in a town this size, if you are pulled over for anything, you are asked if you have been drinking), or going for the wrong major...five times. Or, if you are the girl in Washakie (the University's dining center): "I can't believe I opened the door for that bitch."

Now that is one understandable regret. I wouldn't want to open the door for "that bitch" either, whom ever she may be. I can't imagine what makes her a bitch. Maybe she stole your chocolate mint cookie (Washakie has excellent desserts)? God knows, but if she did that, I would be pissed too. Cookies are too valuable to leave in the care of anyone but yourself. Everyone knows that to college kids food is life. We just can't get enough.

Another thing about college is the dorms. From our room you could creep on people in Washakie, the frat houses, and the lawns and roads in between. Just a moment ago we saw a blond frat guy in a suit (Kat one, looking out the window: "Cute blond frat guy in a suit." Kat two, runs over to window: "Ooooh, hello blond frat guy in a suit...what are you doing?!" Hehe, yeah, this is us on a good day. Needless to say, we are crazy). I would suggest bringing ear plugs; those frat guys can be loud at the oddest hours. Also, don't learn the hard way like we did: bring a f***ing fan. It's hot in the dorms. 

One more note: be careful around us. We are very odd in the fact that we find great amusement in disturbing things. Someone mentioned a cat and gross food at the dinner table (whether in conjunction or not), and staring straight at the Mongolian food station, I spurted out, "Mongolian cat." I guess not all of the people at the table appreciated the mental image. The Kats were greatly amused at the thought of either 1) some strange Mongolian fighting cat, or 2) a Mongolian fried cat as the main course of the next meal. Either way, beware. Guess that is what happens when you both want to go into law enforcement, see dead people so that you can mess with them scientifically, and watch too many episodes of Criminal Minds and Law and Order when you should be sleeping.

So yeah, whenever we hear some odd conversation on our adventures around campus we shall post. Enjoy.

Kat S.

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