Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Catch Up: Degrading English, Prostitution, and Boners

Alright, I know it's been a while guys. Sorry about that but we've been busy with this thing called college and tests and other such like. So this is a catch up blog with several fun stories all tossed into one really odd audiologic salad.

Our first quote today comes from a conversation I heard between two fellows walking behind me late one night on campus. The first said to the second, "Travel safely." The second responded with, in a very frustrated and upset tone, "What the hell did you just say? God whatever happened to just saying peace out to people?! It's like people don't even speak English anymore!" Well dude, I'll agree with you there. People really don't speak English anymore. I mean your poor friend there must be stuck in the polite and clearly awful late 19th century. How awful! As for you, I mean clearly you've got a strong grasp of what's going down. Peace out is the best option for how to say good by to people, none of this namby pamby travel safely stuff. Traveling as fast and as dangerous as possible is obviously the best way to go. Thanks for the update on the deteriorating English language buddy.

Next up we have a comment made with no context. "I really don't have that big of an issue with prostitution." Well...coming from a dude I guess that could make sense but, no, this comment came from a girl. What? You....What?! It turns out she later explained her reasoning and it kinda made sense but to begin with I just have one thing to say. What the hell? You don't have a problem with women selling themselves for sex toys? To each their own I guess.... O.o

And finally, and probably one of my most favorite quotes of all came from a guy at Washakie walking along and trying to, as it sounded, comfort his buddy. He patted him on the back and told him in a very wise and noble tone, "Love is like a boner..." Wait what? Hang on, there's more. "Sometimes you just can't control it." Now I'm not sure if this guy is my new favorite philosopher or if he needs to be smacked upside the head. I was so torn between going 'awwww how sweet' and saying 'ewww what the devil?!' Love and a boner. Who would have thought they could be equated to each other and even with a little explaination tagged on. I have to give the guy props though, I mean I wouldn't have come up with that and I can bet you anything he at least made his mate crack a smile. So way to be a good friend random guy!

Well that's all I have for now! I'll keep you posted on any other interesting things we hear in the nearish future assuming my 8am doesn't kill me first!

Kat B

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