Thursday, September 1, 2011

A lesson on the FBI, ostriches, and psychology - my favorite things.

What is normal? According to a dictionary it is "Conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural." The psychological definition (according to is "Approximately average in any psychological trait, as intelligence, personality, or emotional adjustment. Free from any mental disorder; sane." Makes sense. Another way of looking at it (and the psychology term I learned) is those behaviors that are not maladaptive.

So. As one sits in Washakie and twenty ROTC guys walk in, in uniform, this sparks quite a bit of conversation. You can tell, they get a lot of attention. I mean, who doesn't like a guy in uniform? They may not be military yet, but damn, they are cute and the stereotype of a soldier definitely surrounds them.

What does all this talk of being normal have to do with ROTC? Normally, they wouldn't have a thing to do with each other unless..well, you are us. Every guy that walked by our table (and of course we got the centrally located table), got a stare and a few giggles. This isn't so bad. Growing up near four military bases will get you accustomed to the sight of uniforms theory...quench some of the heartthrob that comes from seeing hotness all the freaking time. The problem? Once Kat² gets talking about things that are sexy, we have an interesting time getting our brains to catch up with our mouths. For instance, we both want to be in the FBI, so naturally, we combine the FBI with uniforms. We have determined that military, police, and FBI uniforms are sexy.

What is so sexy about an FBI uniform? Well...let me tell you. Business attire screams "I'm intelligent and outgoing enough to pursue this hard job and fought to get the position. In order to get in I had to be in shape and have enough experience." And guess what? The FBI is looking for military people. Then there is the other half of the uniform: the big, bold, bullet-proof vest that screams "FBI". Yes, over the course of ten minutes, Kat² discussed how sexy bullet-proof vests are. Those are built for protection, but they are form fitting enough and give your subconscious some food for thought (namely that the person wearing it is, usually, out there for the good of the country, justice, and knows how to handle a gun. What more could you want?!). We asked ourselves, is this really normal?

From a psychological standpoint, maybe not. I mean, if you screw too many FBI agents, they do know how to use a gun after all. And you can't just attack one every time you walk into the office. That is maladaptive if you ask me. It's like an ostrich pretending to be a flamingo. It just doesn't work that way. (Yes, some girl in Washakie posed like a flamingo and said she was an ostrich. Come on, if you are in the Honors program, at least know your basic zoo animals. Do us a favor.)

So thank you, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Criminal Minds for making bullet-proof vests so sexy. You have two adoring college girls at your mercy.I leave you with these images.

Ps. Who's excited for the new season of Criminal Minds on September 21st?!

(See, even looks good on women! I'm beginning to think this is becoming an obsession..and that this is what happens when you live in Wyoming.)

Kat S.

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